
评论 2023-06-15 10:23:42 浏览

薇恩台词铃声,求VN全台词的英文原版,高分见大神!谢谢! 160分

英雄台词:Let us hunt those who have fallen to darkness.AttackingI bring swift death.I release them from their pain.I pass judgement.They will be purified.Cleansing blood with silver.MovementBeware!On wings of night.I hear the innocent cry out.I smell black magics.The shadows are to be feared.In the dark all is laid bare.Evil lurks around every corner.The dark should fear me.TauntHitting me is like boxing with shadows.JokeI have no time for nonsense.Joke? What do you mean?

薇恩怂货台词,我没有时间废话 是lol谁的台词



我会让你死的很痛快。用圣银剑弩来清洗血液我会让他们得到解脱。笑话 这是什么意思?小心点!趁黑出动。我听见了无知的呼喊。我闻到了黑魔法的味道。令人恐惧的阴影。黑暗中所有东西都将被揭开。罪恶潜伏在各个角落。黑夜也会怕我。想攻击我,先试试和影子玩拳击吧!当空皓月!净化元素!木已成舟!肮脏蠢蛋!(后这两个貌似是开大招说的)这是VN所有的台词,楼主自己找找吧