"我就是这样一种人你向我提问如果我答不上来我就会告诉你‘我不知道’ 当我我清楚能找到答案的我会找到答案的" 面试官说"假设有个人不穿着正装就跑过来面试然后我却录用了他,你会怎么评价?" "那他的裤子一定很不错" 面试时候的台词: Chris Gardner:Chris Gardner,how are you? Good morning. Chris Gardner, Chris Gardner. Good see you again. Chris Gardner. Pleasure. I've been sitting there for last half-hour trying to come up with a story that would explain my being here dressed like this. And I wanted to come up with a story that would demonstrate qualities that I'm sure you all admire here, like earnestness or diligence. Team-playing, something. And I couldn't think of anything. So the truth is...I was arrested for failure to pay parking tickets. Jay Twistle:parking tickets? Chris Gardner:And I ran all the way here from the Polk Station, the police station. Mr. Frohm:What were you doing before you were arrested? Chris Gardner:I was painting my apartment. Mr. Frohm:Is it dry now? Chris Gardner:I hope so. Mr. Frohm:Jay says you're pretty determined. Jay Twistle:He's been waiting outside the front of the building with some 40-pound gizmo for over a month. Mr. Frohm:He said you're smart. Chris Gardner:Well, I like to think so. Mr. Frohm:And you want to learn this business? Chris Gardner:Yes, sir, I wanna learn this business. Mr. Frohm:Have you already started learning on your own? Chris Gardner:Absolutely. Mr. Frohm:Jay? Jay Twistle:Yes, sir. Mr. Frohm:How many times have you seen Chris? Jay Twistle:I don't know. One too many, apparently. Mr. Frohm:Was he ever dressed like this? Jay Twistle:No. No. Jacket and tie. Mr. Frohm:First. in your class in school? High school? Chris Gardner:Yes, sir. Mr. Frohm:How many in the class? Chris Gardner:Twelve. It was a small town. Mr. Frohm:I'll say. Chris Gardner:But I was also first in my radar class in the Navy, and that was a class of 20. Chris Gardner:Can I say something? ..I'm the type of person if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer I'm gonna tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what. I know how to find the answer, and I will find the answer. Is that fair enough? Mr. Frohm:Chris, What would you say if a guy walked in for interview without a shirt on and I hired him? What would you say? Chris Gardner:He must've had on some really nice pants
1.Chris Gardner:You have a dream, you got to protect it.
2.Chris Gardner:People can't do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you cannot do it.
3.Chris Gardner:You want something. Go get it!
4.Martin Frohm: What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say?
Chris Gardner: He must have had on some really nice pants.
5. There is an I in "happiness", There is no Y in "happiness", It's an I
6.I'm the type of person,if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer,I'm gonna to tell you that I don't know.But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer.
7.Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something, not even me.
8.You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can't do it.If you want something, go get it. Period.
9.Some of you are here because you know somebody. Some of you are here because you think you're somebody. There's one guy of you are here who's gonna be somebody.
10. We're gonna come out of this. Everything is gonna be fine, all right?
Don’t ever let somebody tell you you can't do something,not even me.You got a dream,you gotta protect it.People can’t do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can’t do it.If you want something,go get it.
I'm the type of person,if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer,I'm gonna to tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer.
13. 有天,一个人在水里快要淹死了,这时一只船过来问他“需要帮忙吗?”
One day, a man was drowning in the water. And a boat came by and said, "Do you need any help?"
He said, "No, thank you. God will save me." Then another boat came by. Said, "Do you need any help?"
And he said, "No, thank you. God will save me." Then he drowned, and he went to heaven.
And he said, "God, why didn't you save me?" And God said, "I sent you two big boats, you dummy."
14. 上帝,别让险峻离开,赐予我翻越攀登之力。请别挪开我脚下的绊脚石,指引我前进的方向。
重担虽负于肩,痛苦难以忍受, 但是我不会也不曾放弃,只因我们之间的承诺。
Lord, don't move that mountain. Give me strength to climb it. Please don't move that stumbling block. But lead me around it. My burdens, they get so heavy seems hard to bear,but I won't give up, Because you promised me.
1、 别让别人告诉你你成不了才,即使是我也不行。
2、 如果你有梦想的话,就要去捍卫它。那些一事无成的人想告诉你你也成不了大器。如果你有理想的话,就要去努力实现。就这样。
3、 我是这样的人,如果你问的问题我不知道回答,我会直接告诉你“我不知道”。但我向你:我知道如何寻找答案,而且我一定会找出答案的。
4、 幸福里面没有为什么,只有我。当幸福来敲门经典台词。
5、 我得在你进去之前亲自把这个交给您和您认识一下。
6、 我小时候很聪明,所以大家都叫我“大头”。
7、 我习惯于做出抉择,而且…Twistle先生,听我说,这很重要。
8、 有了目标就要全力以赴。
9、 如果你有梦想,就要守护它。
10、 马丁:如果我雇佣了一个没有穿着衬衫走进来的人,你会怎么说?
11、 有了目标就要全力以赴。
12、 你要尽全力保护你的梦想。那些嘲笑你梦想的人,因为他们必定会失败,他们想把你变成和他们一样的人。我坚信,只要我心中有梦想,我就会与众不同,你也是。
13、 别让别人告诉你你成不了才,即使是我也不行。
14、 如果我雇佣了一个没有穿着衬衫走进来的人,你会怎么说?
15、 所以我得先接他回家,做饭,给他洗澡…哄他睡觉,然后七点前回到这儿?
16、 主,不要移开那座大山,请给我力量爬过他。请不要移开那些绊脚的石头,在任何时候指引我,主。我的负担很重,好像很难承受,但是我不会放弃。因为你向我许诺答应了。而且你已经满足了我在圣坛前的祷告。
17、 幸福里面没有为什么,只有我。
18、 那就去找幸福啊,blockquotenda!去找幸福吧!但是Christopher要跟我过!
19、 我是这样的人,如果你问的问题我不知道答案,我会直接告诉你“我不知道”。但我向你:我知道如何寻找答案,而且我一定会找出答案的。
20、 他一定穿了一条很棒的裤子。
21、 如果你有梦想的话,就要去捍卫它。那些一事无成的人想告诉你你也成不了大器。如果你有理想的话,就要去努力实现。就这样。
22、 我是这样的人,如果你问的问题我不知道答案,我会直接告诉你“我不知道”。但我向你:我知道如何寻找答案,而且我一定会找出答案的。
23、 如果你有梦想,就要守护它。
24、 你要尽全力保护你的梦想。当幸福来敲门经典台词。那些嘲笑你梦想的人,他们必定会失败,他们想把你变成和他们一样的人。我坚信,只要我心中有梦想,我就会与众不同。你也是。
25、 不要让别人告诉你,你不能做什么。只要有梦想,就要去追求。那些做不到的人总要告诉你,你也不行。想要什么就得去努力,去追求。
26、 克里斯·加德纳:如果你有梦想,就要守护它。
27、 克里斯·加德纳:他一定穿了一条很棒的裤子。
28、 当你认为困难的时候,其实就是你接近成功的时候。
29、 当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会对你说你也同样不能。
30、 如果你有梦想的话,就要去扞卫它。那些一事无成的人想告诉你你也成不了大器。如果你有理想的话,就要去努力实现,就这样。
31、 幸福里面没有为什么,只有我。
32、 我还记得那一刻,他们全都看起来超幸福的样子,为什么我不能也满脸幸福?
33、 像是时光机,是时光机,能带上我吗?
34、 别让别人告诉你你成不了才,即使是我也不行。
35、 也许幸福是一种只能让我们不断追寻的东西,而却无法真正拥有……
36、 我儿时就决定,将来我有了孩子,我的孩子一定得知道他们的父亲是谁。
37、 克里斯·加德纳:当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会对你说你也同样不能。
38、 我坐在那儿半个多小时一直想编出个故事来解释为什么我到这里却穿着这身衣服,我想编出个故事来证明我拥有你们所期待的品质,比如诚实勤奋团队精神等等,但我什么也没能想出来。事实上我因为没有付清停车罚款被拘捕了。
39、 克里斯·加德纳:有了目标就要全力以赴。
40、 这里讲述的是我人生故事的一部分,这部分叫做…“搭公车”。
41、 他一定穿了一条很棒的裤子。
42、 当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会对你说你也同样不能。
43、 你今天真应该在场的,有个女孩偷了我的扫描仪,我就一直追她。
不要让别人告诉你该做什么,有梦想,就得捍卫。他人做不成什么事情,就跟你说你也做不成。如果你想要什么,就要去争取。 绝不要别人来告诉你你不能做什么,就连我也不行!知道吗?!你的梦想,你要去捍卫它。很多人他们自己做不了什么事情,就对你说你也做不了。但是,如果你真的想做什么事情,就去做!哪怕屡战屡败! 你要尽全力保护你的梦想。那些嘲笑你梦想的人,因为他们必定会失败,他们想把你变成和他们一样的人。我坚信,只要我心中有梦想,我就会与众不同,你也是。当幸福来敲门(2006) 如果你有梦想,守护它。 当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会说你也同样不能。既然有了目标,你就要努力实现。 也许幸福是只能去追求,但是却永远也追求不到,无论如何也追求不到。 别让别人告诉你你不能有所作为,即使是你的父亲也不行。 重要的是自由列车之行,就如同翻山越岭,我们都得面对险山砾石。 上帝,别让险峻离开,赐予吾翻越攀登之力;请别挪开吾足下之绊脚石,指引吾前进的方向。重担虽负于肩,痛苦难以承受,我不会也不曾放弃。 如果你有梦想的话,就要去捍卫它。当别人做不到的时候,他们会告诉你,你也不能。如果你有理想的话,就要去努力实现。 他们全都看起来超幸福的样子,为什么我不能也满脸幸福。 我小时候,历史还是什么考了个优,当时我有种能成为任何栋梁之才的感觉,但结果却什么也没成。 我是这样的人,如果你问我一个问题我不知道答案的话,我会直接告诉你“我不知道”。但我向你:我知道怎样找到答案,而且我一定会找出答案的。 机会总是留给有准备的人,但那往往是努力的人剩下来的。 It's written as P-P-Y,but supposed to be an I in "happiness". 有了目标就要全力以赴。 有梦想的人,从来叫醒他的都不是闹钟,而是梦想。 当你认为困难的时候,其实就是你接近成功的时候。当幸福来敲门(2006) 什么叫做创业?创业就是让你的人生充满了无限的可能,创业就是让你知道这个世界上比你优秀的人还比你努力,创业就是让你累的半死的时候还能从床上一秒钟爬起来,因为叫醒你的永远都不 是闹钟,而是你日夜追寻的梦想! 以后连朋友都不做了? ---没法儿做,太相爱的人怎么做朋友? 我的公众号:电影台词精选,,看名称就知道是干嘛的了,欢迎来玩。
Son: Hey, dad, I’m going pro. Haha, I’m going pro. (嘿,老爸,我要当职业篮球员。哈哈,我要当职业篮球员。)
Father: Oh, OK. Yeah, I don’t know, you know. You will probably be about as good as I was. That’s kind of the way it works, you know, I was below average. You know, so you will probably ultimately rank... Somewhere around there, you know, so I really... You will excel at a lot of things, just not this. I don’t want you shooting this ball all day and night. All right?(哦,这可不好说,你大概会和我以前水平一样糟,有其父必有其子嘛,我当时篮球水平就处于平均水平以下。所以大概你的终水平也就和我一样,所以,你在很多方面都很优秀,但是在篮球上不是,所以我不希望你就这么在这整日整夜的练习投篮,知道了吗?)
Son: All right.(好吧。)
Father: OK. All right, go ahead.(好的,好吧,走吧)
Father: Hey. Don’t ever let somebody tell you you can’t do something. Not even me. All right ?(嗨,别让别人告诉你你成不了才,即使是我也不行。知道了吗?)
Son: All right.(知道了。)
Father: You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want something, go get it. Period. Let’s go.(如果你有梦想的话,你就要去捍卫它。那些一事无成的人,想告诉你你也成不了大器。如果你有理想的话,就要努力去实现。就这样。)
1.Chris Gardner:You have a dream, you got to protect it.
2.Chris Gardner:People can't do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you cannot do it.
3.Chris Gardner:You want something. Go get it!
4.Martin Frohm: What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say?
5. There is an I in "happiness", There is no Y in "happiness", It's an I
6.I'm the type of person,if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer,I'm gonna to tell you that I don't know.But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer.
7.Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something, not even me.
8.You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can't do it.If you want something, go get it. Period.
9.Some of you are here because you know somebody. Some of you are here because you think you're somebody. There's one guy of you are here who's gonna be somebody.
10. We're gonna come out of this. Everything is gonna be fine, all right?
11. Don’t ever let somebody tell you you can't do something,not even me.You got a dream,you gotta protect it.People can’t do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can’t do it.If you want something,go get it.
12. I'm the type of person,if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer,I'm gonna to tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer.