【答案】 It was a wonderful experience during i was reading stary birds.I love this sentence The light that plays,like a naked child,among the green leaves happily knows not that man can lie.It told us what is value.Maybe the writter of stary birds want us to value a child who called time.And I think although you have already lie tu time succesfully,i believe that when this child grow up to an adult,he will lie to you!When i first open this book,the feel just like in a summer morning,i open the window of my bedroom everything is clean and bright,i make my heart free!Tegore made us know his heart through the stary birds.Mr Zhou said:“It like a stone in a bank,scrappy and small but plentiful and deep” It is true.I hope you can buy one for yourself,i am sure you will enjoy yourself! 一定要选我啊,码字码的很辛苦. 为了降低难度,适合初中生,所以很多东西都没写进去,可能有部分语法错误,自己修改吧! PS:liqichen6688 追问: 其实稍微有点难度也没什么啦。不过。能再长一点吗。谢谢。Howyousufferedforyoursanity.什么意思?
how you try to set them free...
stary stary night