沿着西宁到湟源的老公路,经过多巴扎麻隆凤凰山不远就可以看到一处路边小寺庙,当地人称为“佛尔崖”,因为里面有山泉沿着路边的悬崖峭壁渗出供路人解渴,水质清澈甘甜,当地人感念灵气就在石壁上刻上佛像,后又围着路边峭壁修了一座庙宇,焚香膜拜。很多路人脚夫路过此地都要休整一段时间,补给水源。再后来不少文人官员和僧侣便留题字于石壁上,渐发展成了海藏(青海、西藏)咽喉(交通要道)上著名的海藏寺海藏寺简介 Introduction to Haizang Temple海藏寺始建于宗元丰年(1078—1086)间,久废。至清顺治年(1644一1661)间建,“文革”时期大部己毁,今修。寺后有一瀑布。瀑布边石崖上刻有清代僧智犁行书“琴江奇观”四个大字,石刻长4.4米,宽1.17米,前勒小字“印道修”,尾款“智犁立”。寺内现藏有清康熙36年(1697)住持僧龙山沛题节的“海藏寺”石刻门额,知县万丹诏撰文并书的“重修海藏寺碑记”,清康熙六十一年(1722)海藏寺肇始沿革碑记,雍正三年(1725)记功智犁经手购置田产的“海藏寺山田碑记”等石刻4通。海藏寺摩崖石刻,笔力雄健,苍劲洒脱,其历史和艺术造诣深厚,经300多年的水流飞瀑冲刷未见侵蚀。具有一定的历史、艺术、科学研究价值。Haizang Temple was built during the period from 1078 to 1086, and was abandoned for a long time . It was built in Oing Dynasty (1644-1661). In the period of the " Cultural Revolution ", most of it had been destroyed , but repaired at present . There is a waterfall behind the temple . The stone cliffs beside the waterfall are engraved with the words of " Wonders of Qin River " written by the monk Zhili in the Qing Dynasty . The stone carving is 4.4 me long and 1.17 m wide , with the words of " repaired by Yindao " in the front and " set by Zhili " at the bottom .In the temple , there is a stone carving gate of the " Halzang Temple " inscribed by the abbot called Long Shanpei in the 36th vear of Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty (1697) an the " Reconstructing the Tablet Inscription of Haizang Temple " written by the magistrate Wan Danzhao In the s Í xty - first year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1722) Haizang Temple began to change and develop tablet inscription . In the third year of Yongzheng (1725), Zhi Li bought 4 stone inscriptions such as " Haizang Temple Mountain Steles " to record merits . The cliff inscriptions of Haizanq Temple is vigor in strokes of drawing , vigorous and free , with profound historical and artis tic attainments . No erosion has been observed after more than з00 years of flowing waterfalls It has deFilte h storical , artistic and scientific rese .
2、颜文栋简介当民俗节日遇上非遗展,“二月二”这里很热闹![大笑]坐标:青海省西宁市中心广场主题:“美好青海 共享非遗”~非遗大集展演活动主办:青海省文化和旅游厅承办:西宁市文旅广电局、青海省非遗保护中心特色:该活动内容丰富,寓教于乐,吸引了许多市民朋友到此游玩鉴赏。除展演外还可以通过传统手工非遗作坊近距离品味非遗文化的魅力。PS:晚间还有相关活动,有时间的小伙伴们可以去看看哦