
评论 2023-06-25 10:53:21 浏览

20年沈阳工业大学英语翻译写作真题,考博必看![灵光一闪][灵光一闪]Part Il Translation(TW points)Directions:Put the follow ng passage into Chinese.Minshuku(民宿) refer to family-run inns or private houses providing meals and accommodation for tourists. In the early 1960s, the sparse(稀疏) farm population in the southwest and central Britain began to run minshuku in order to increase their income. As them minshuku industry in Japan flourishes rapidly, there has also arisen lots of minshuku in southern areas of China. Travelers who live in them minshuku are able to enjoy basic accommodation and catering services. It is indispensable for them to experience the farming, enjoy the ancient architecture, make the sand painting go skiing and mountain-climbing, etc. Minshuku can make people experience the local customs and practices of different regions, shortening the distance between human and nature.Part III Essay Writing( 25 points)Directions:Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:My Viewpoint on Online EducationYou arc to write in three partsIn the first part, make an introduction to the popularity of online education du rig the epidemic In the second par, illustrate your views on the advantages and disadvantages of online educationIn the last part, bring what you lave written to a natural conclusion on a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.觉得文章对你有帮助的话就动动小手点个赞吧,如果想了解更多考博考试的实时资讯、院校新动态就请关注 @考博英语学习屋 想要考博英语的真题资料和学习课程也可以私我哦![送心][送心]#考博##医学考博英语##英语##考博英语##沈阳工业大学##英语写作##英语翻译##真题#


【从盛京到“国际沈”,今日沈阳展开新画卷!】#发现沈阳之美#沈阳地处东北亚经济圈中心区,是我国面向东北亚和中东欧的重要对外开放门户。近年来,沈阳积极融入国内国际双循环,全力构建高水平对外开放新格局。中国日报推出沈阳英文八联版,带你一览沈阳对外开放的显著成就,感受“国际沈”的无限魅力!请旋转手机横屏观赏↓ ↓ 网页链接(来源:中国日报)#振兴新突破辽宁杠杠滴# #贯彻二十大辽宁在行动#




东北大都市——沈阳系列26共和国航空工业的摇篮。歼-8Ⅱ(中国代号:J-8Ⅱ,英文:Shenyang J-8Ⅱ,北约代号:Finback,译文:长须鲸)歼击机,是中国沈阳飞机工业公司(简称:沈飞)研发的歼-8改进型高空高速战斗机。1984年6月12日,歼-8Ⅱ原型机首飞成功。1988年3月18日该机设计定型,同年10月15日,军工产品定型委员会正式批准歼-8Ⅱ飞机设计定型。这是首飞的功勋机,编号:84612。现陈列于沈阳航空航天大学。

