awakenthedawn简介(awaken the dawn谱)

评论 2023-07-09 02:00:48 浏览
1、awaken the dawn谱

黎明披着豆蔻的颜色灵魂,栖息在无限可能Dawn is dressed in the color of cardamomSoul, inhabiting in infinite possibilities早晨好


ChatGPT的论文润色方面原文:伴随着技术的发展和人工智能时代的到来,机器和人类之间建立了越来越紧密的联系DeepL翻译:Along with the development of technology and the advent of the era of artificial intelligence,an increasingly close connection has been established between machines and humans.ChatGPT润色:Along with the advancements in technology and the dawn of the era of artificial intelligence,a close relationship has been established between machines and humans.ChatGPT在第一句就做了如下改动:1.development 替换为 advancements (development有点低级)2.advent(出现)替换为dawn(黎明,破晓)3.把 an increasingly close connection 简化为a close relationship (更简洁)这个润色水平,应该够用了#awakenthedawn简介#

3、awaken the dawn 钢琴版

#每天打卡背单词#Dawn is the hope, comfort, and praise of the world in the daytime. It opens the golden portal of the East every day, bringing the gospel of the kingdom of heaven to the world, and bringing nectar; At the same time, the fragrance of the flowers of the Jade Tree in Wonderland awakens the fragrance of flowers in the world.Dawn is a blessing on the journey of the world, a sincere blessing.黎明是世界的希冀、慰藉、白昼的礼赞,每日启东方金碧的门户,为人间携来天国的福音,送来汲取的甘露;与此同时,仙境琪花的芳菲唤醒凡世的花香。黎明是人世旅程的祝福,真心诚意的祝福。 ——泰戈尔daytime[ˈdeɪtaɪm] n.白天、白昼、日间portal [ˈpɔːrtl] n.壮观的大门、门户gospel [ˈɡɑːspl] n.福音、信念、信仰kingdom[ˈkɪŋdəm] n.王国、领域nectar [ˈnektər] n.甘露、花蜜fragrance[ˈfreɪɡrəns] n.芬芳、香气、芳香jade [dʒeɪd] n.玉、翡翠the Jade tree玉树wonderland[ˈwʌndərlænd] n.仙境、奇境awaken [əˈweɪkən] v.醒来、唤起、被唤起sincere [sɪnˈsɪər] adj.真诚的、诚挚的blessing [ˈblesɪŋ] n.祝福#头条创作挑战赛##学英语背单词#

4、awaken the dawn什么意思

#中国??诗人苗胜文原创诗歌# 《昨夜的酒》(祈祷世界和平??????)把夜晚倒进去还有泪水还有枪声叹息、恐惧还有逃跑的星星甚至那些凄凉的子弹壳和孤寂的弹孔一并倒入这黑暗的酒杯端起酒怀敬谁无助的旷野无奈的时间无法呐喊的生命不如呼唤夜风打碎这痛心的酒杯直接掀起这沉沉的夜幕撕碎它让无数陨落的星星砸醒一个平静的早晨让她降临昨夜的酒可以写一晚的故事战争,死亡痛苦,纷争今晨的曙光可以祈祷这个世界和平平等,互谅共存,共生可以让人们在新鲜的空气中自由呼吸、行走在温暖的阳光下认请——西方的邪恶——谎言、罪孽东方的善良——守望、互助善良的人们把昨夜那痴狂的苦酒倒尽把光明希望装进这透明的酒杯共同放飞和平的信鸽迎接一个和谐共存没有仇怨的黎明……Pour the night inThere are tearsAnd of the gunSigh, fearAnd the runaway starsEven the bleak bullet casingsAnd lonely bullet holesAnd pour into this dark cupOn the wineWho worshipHelpless wildernessHelpless timeLife without a voiceBetter call the night windShatter this sad cupStraight into the nightShred itLet a thousand fallen starsWake up a quiet morningLet her comeThe wine last nightI can write stories all nightWar, deathPain, strifeThe dawn of this morningCan pray for peace in this worldEquality, mutual understandingCoexistence, symbiosisCan let people in the fresh airBreathe and walk freelyIn the warm sunKnow please -The evil of the West -- lies, SINSOriental goodness - watch and help each otherGood peoplePour out the wine of last nightFill this transparent cup with bright hopeLet the pigeons of peace fly togetherUsher in a dawn of harmony without hatred...……

5、awaken the dawn慢速教程

? 《飞鸟集》? This rainy evning the wind is restless.I look at the swaying branches and ponder over the greatness of all things.雨打黄昏风不休,青枝摇叶感物华。(大自然是神奇的造物主,天地万物自有其运行秩序)? Storm of midnight, like a giant child awaken in the untimely dark, has begun to play and shout.午夜的暴风骤雨,仿佛是巨人的幼儿,在不合时宜的漆黑中惊醒过来,开始嬉戏和吵闹。(半夜一个惊雷,吵醒沉睡的人,婴儿啼哭不休,楼上脚步踢踏)? Thou raisest thy waves vainly to follow thy lover, O sea, thou lonely bride of the storm.你掀起浪涛去追逐你的爱人却一无所得,大海啊,你是风暴寂寞的新娘。(落花有意,流水无情;浪涛有意,风暴无情)#读书#

6、awaken the dawn钢琴曲谱子

每日一句,聚沙成塔It is always darkest just before the dawn.词汇:darkest adj.黑暗的dawn n.黎明#awakenthedawn简介#

7、awaken the dawn致辞音乐

“关于早起”英语固定搭配1. be an early bird - 成为早起的人,早起的习惯2. get up with the birds - 和鸟儿一起起床3. rise and shine - 起床了,是时候开始新的一天4. start the day off right - 开始新的一天5. be up with the lark - 和百灵鸟一起醒来6. the early bird catches the worm - 早起的鸟儿有虫吃7. morning person - 早起的人,早起者8. morning routine - 早起的日常俗务9. wake up at the crack of dawn - 在黎明时分醒来10. be wide awake - 神清气爽地醒来并准备开始一天。


我不知是否应该把一切看得破,丢掉往日的冲动清醒面对现在,我不知是否不该想得太明白,平静的默默等待你会让自己回来。我不知是否应该把脚步再放慢,看看周围的人们寻找生活的答案。我不知是否不该活的太明白,等你把一切看清你会让自己回来。你自私的善意欺骗,我却装作看不出来。不管是否属于无奈,不要放纵的太过太快。玩够了没有,不想再流泪,满腹的话你是不是在忍受回来。玩够了没有,我不想再一次等待。玩够了没有,请你把寂寞带走,into the break of dawn。我想你,中国。我不知是否不该把脚步再放慢,看看周围的人们寻找生活的答案。我不知是否不该想得太明白,愿意把一切看清你会让自己回来。一次次的善意欺骗,我却装作看不出来。不管是否属于无奈,不要放纵的太苦太快。我不想再忍耐,宽阔的臂膀,该死何时才能收回来。玩够了没有,我不想再自在。就别把工作感慨。玩够了没有,我不想再忍耐,玩够了没有,你是否能再次收回来?玩够了没有,我不想再等待,请你把萤火赶。