
评论 2023-07-18 16:05:40 浏览

译词 | “行程卡”、“取消星号”英文怎么说?


1/ Quick Recall:创建抽认卡并定期复习。根据您对概念的理解,调整向您展示抽认卡的频率。2/ Giga Tutor:根据您的喜好和主题创建个性化学习计划。根据您的理解调整学习速度并介绍更多高级主题。3/ Open Lecture:访问大学课程材料,包括讲义、成绩单、教科书摘录等。将复杂的问题分解成更小的子问题以提供详细的答案。4/ Chat with Video:与任何 YouTube 视频交谈并询问有关视频内容的问题。引入一种更快的方式来了解视频中的内容,而不是观看整个视频。5/ Web Pilot:访问任何网站并从中检索内容,包括文本、图像和数据表。允许您使用来自任何网页的信息。6/ Likewise:了解在哪里可以播放教育电影和电视节目。为您提供适合您需求的书籍和播客的详细信息。7/ Best Talk:接收来自商业世界的新消息。允许您研究特定主题或公司,并更好地理解行动中的经济原理。


为了方便大家学习原汁原味儿的英文,经文章作者授权,我转发一下英语国家塞拉利昂的一名安全工程在班前会上的讲稿。无论是从语言的角度,还是工业安全知识的角度,都值得我们学习。下面附上讲话原文,后是我为原创作者写的简介。Welcome to another session of our night shift toolbox talk here at our mining site.TOPIC: INVOLVE THE RIGHT PERSON.There are times when you will not have what you need to complete a task safely and correctly.Whether it is the proper training, tools, knowledge, time, materials, support, equipment, etc.There is a lot you need in place to do any one work task correctly. It is important to take the time to get the right people involved depending on what you need to get your work done the right way.WHEN DO YOU NEED TO INVOLVE ANOTHER PERSON?* You realize you were provided the wrong materials for a work task. It is necessary to stop and talk with a supervisor to get the correct materials to avoid any issues later on.* You are alone but you need to lift a heavy and awkward object. Stop work and seek out an operator who can use a piece of equipment to lift it for you to eliminate the risk of a sprain injury entirely.* If it is light enough, get another worker to help you lift it.* It may take an extra few minutes to get someone else involved but it could save hours of lost production or an injury.* Be an approachable person at work so others feel comfortable coming to you for help.* When someone else is injured or production is lost due to a mistake, everyone loses.* Work as a team to ensure everyone has what they need to successfully complete their assigned work tasks.Regards to you all!!Your suggestions, comments and questions are welcome as always."Remember safety first, safety always".Safety YALLAN.About the authorYallan Sesay, in Sierra Leone, graduated from Ernest Bai Koroma University of Science and Technology, and now works as the safety in the crushing plant in Tonkolili mining area.#简介卡英文#


通知:观影《泰坦尼克号》(重庆市2023届高三2月第六次质量检测)假如你是校英语社社长李华,计划周末为同学们播放一部英文电影,请写一份英文通知,告知同学们相关事宜:1.时间和地点;2.影片简介;3.鼓励大家参与。注意:1.词数约为80字左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。写作注意要点1.基本时态为一般现在时。2.写作思路:三段论。第一段开门见山告知观影时间和地点(要点1);3.第二段影片简介(要点2);第三段鼓励参加观影活动(要点3)。原创版•下水作文Dear schoolmates,A classic movie, Titanic, with a mix of love and disaster, is scheduled to be filmed by the school English Club at 2 p.m. on Saturday in the Art BuildingThe film is based on 1912 when the Titanic liner hit an iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage. It tells a touching story of Jack, a poor painter, and Rose, a noblewoman, falling in love regardless of worldly prejudice. Faced with the disaster, Jack gives up his chance of survival to Rose.This film, showing the greatness of humanity before the disaster, is a classic never to be missed. Looking forward to your presence. (105 words)School English Club




#每天打卡背单词#Love, there is no reason for love and without precondition tolerance.爱,就是没有理由的心疼和不设前提的宽容。你知道吗?“ Name card”什么意思吗?其实,“Name card”一般指的是“身上佩戴的职员卡”。我们平时所说的“名片”,英文表达是:Business card。例句:When we met, he gave me his business card.我们见面时,他给了我他的名片。#天南地北大拜年##在头条看见彼此#